Tuesday, June 16, 2009'♥
MC Day...It's been so long since I last updated my blog... It's really been so damn long since I updated my blog on a weekday..
I'm on MC today... The feeling's abit weird to stay at hm on a weekeday.. I managed to watch "Ah Xue" the chinese drama on the tv, I rememebered the last time I watched it was nearly two mths ago..
Can't believed that I'm actually on this job for nearly two mths le... So proud of myself that I managed to survive that long.. Complaints yes there are.. but I really learnt alot of things.. and most importantly I think I've become a workaholic...
Kept thinking abt my work even though I'm at home...
Anyway let me now update my life...
My life has been pretty mundane.. coz of my long working hours... therefore I made sure my weekends were pretty filled up with events...
Popo's 49 Days...Went back to Batam on Sun the previous week and it's really a short getaway trip for me.. Managed to rest and also catch up with my cousins...

Yue Yue and Ah Bee.. (Ah bee is shy to smile coz her front tooth dropped) hahaha

Me and Dabao.. he's my constant travel partner... haha

Cute kai kai...

Baby Daphne sleeping peacefuly.. she's so bubu cute..
Went BCS to shop for some necessities since the praying ceremony will start at 12 midnight onli....

First stop went to the hypermarket at BCS...

Saw the hair treatment thingy? I found out that it was actually manufactured in Indonesia.. so it's damn cheap in Batam WOHOOHOO.. going to stock up more the next time I go...For those who never used before it comes in a capsule thing..inside is the treatment oil ur hair become softer after the treatment.. yeah..

After awhile the basket is filled up with goodies... bought back TIM TAM and sweets for them..
Afterwards, it's lunch time...

Shumin's empek empek

My mama's nasi kunning...

My gado-gado.. oh man I missed it now...
Da sao tgt with Donny brought us all the Mega mall, the kids wanted to play at this giant playground.. and also for dinner...

Kai kai running ard... poor shumin haf to squeeze in the playground and played with them haha it must be tiring for her lolz
Oh yes I jumped into this pool of ball.. haha dun worry the balls were not deflated.. so fun... I loved playing in the pool of balls..haha

Ah Bee likes to play with the flying fox thing...
It's fun to see kids running around enjoying themseleves, they get so excited they will keep shouting gu gu look at me.. haha I love kids. :)

Went for manicure with Mi jie at BCS the next day.. onli ard 7bucks..so cheap...I love my striking pink!!
Rosy Business...Recently I'm addicted to this Hk Drama Series... Rosy Business... At first I'm quite skeptical with gu zhuang show..but after watching it.. I get so excited with it... it's so exciting..

One verse from the show that I really thought it's meaningful...
Indeed how many 10 years do we have? some might have 5, 6? Some may be luckier 8 or 9? Well cherish ur life and enjoy while u can it's what the show trying to say..
Good food weekend...Bf's brought along his new canon DSLR and we kept taking photos like mad haha

Breakfast @ secret recipe.. haha abit heavy ..but we both shared it.. coz we need to rush for the movie after that..

Bf's white macademia nuts cake...

Rocky mountain....
I heart secret recipe cake man... it's big and yummy..
I fell asleep in the movie Terminator 3.. dun ask me what's the show abt..hahahaha

Lunch was in Sushi Tei...

Loved my Sukiyaki... for 14 dollars it comes with beef, egg and a pot of vege.. yummy

I thought this was artistic....

Another side of me....

Let's see the combine version.. .errrr hahahaha

We were too hungry u see...

Ur friend being romantic...

Lao niang

The problem with 10 mega pixel cam.. si mi sai also can see..damn.. my face sucks.. pimple scars all ard

Me hugging the courtesy lion or cat whichever it is...
Time for some desserts...

Dessert from Hagen Daz... Tiramisu and Cookies & Cream with Crepe...

Cookies Crunch.... SO NICE.. Bf chose the rite one... damn..

A Happy girl, cheesecake + Ice-cream... I fufilled my cravings for the day... Thanks bf..

Any skincare company want us to be their spokesperson?

Suddenly he got a small face...

Missed the ice cream.. hate being sick..
Looking forward to weekends now... pay day on Sat lagi shiok...wohohooo
Short Note: Should I stay?
Saturday, June 06, 2009'♥
Life?It's been nearly 49 days since Popo left us...
Every now and then, I still thought of her, still dreamt of her.... it's like she's still subconciously alive....but yet everytime I woke up, she's no longer here with us...
Truth and reality hurts isn't that so?
Just received news that one of my uncle's wife contracted breast cancer, it's already in the third stage...
Even though, she might not be a good daughter in-law to my uncle's family but my heart did sank when I heard the news...
Whatever wrongs she had done... whatever mistakes she had made in the past... I just hope that she will come to realize her mistake and apologized soon... and
I really pray that she will get well soon... cause she's still young and her kids are young too..
Life is just so unpredictable... Cherish ur life and people around u....I guessed everyone of us heard that all the time...
Everytime we heard something bad.. we would just remind ourselves to cherish the people around us even more...
But yet...
Really how many of us really did it? How many of us really did forgive and forget?
Friends, life is too short to grow grudges, life is too short to be so calculative, life is too short to be petty...
Cause you'll never know when would u life stop at a point where u can't start it all over again..
Once again, what I wish to convey is....
"Cherish your life and people around you always, live past all grudges, forgive and forget, live and let live and most importantly Stay happy!"
When you're happy in life... everything is worthwhile....
Short Note: Will be going back to Batam tmr for popo's 49day's ceremony....