Wednesday, October 25, 2006'♥
This is an announcement to inform that will not be in used anymore...Thank you very much of your support during these few accompany Mrs Tea thru her life journey.. be it happy or sad.... We have moved on the another blogsite, and that blogsite will be reavealed to u by sms, msn, or email.... whatever but not here... We are sorry for any inconveniece caused....
Kinda of she bu de this blog... but who knows...maybe I'll be back one day...
This is a computer generated announcement... no signature will be required...
Tuesday, October 24, 2006'♥
Wait the day through....Watched the programme abt proposing if i not wrong its called "say I do" or wad from Channel U de... and u know what... this week the guy proposing to the ger tat is my fren from private sch last time.. oh man..her guy is so sweeeeeeet lor.. feel happy for her tooo....
Ppl around me is getting married... Y LIKE DAT???? Y WANT TO SPOIL THE MARKET?? wakao.....stress ppl like mi u know... onli 22 lei... and i got like 10 frens already married le... faintz.....*jumps around on the floor* who want to marry me?? i know im ugly and fat la.. but i do know how to cook, wash underwear, go market, vaccum floor... i can be a good housewife aka maria u know... so if ur interested, pls give me a call at 1800-iwantomarrykerin thank you thank you....
Guess wad while i was in the saloon just now reading the mag... i chanced upon this article... which left my heart shattering, i could hear the pieces breaking lor....
Scientist has proven that for those who have quite a number of relationships in their teenage years will tend to have more TROUBLED relationships in their ADULTHOOD...they will tend to have difficulty of having a relationship that will last."I feel like crying now.. seriously.. WO ZHI CUO LE.. xiang dang nian i shouldn't have so many puppy love... *cry in agony*... *sobs sobs*........
Short note: goheadbingostan is celebrating new yr today.. orang utan had lion dance to celebrate also....____________________________________________________________________________
Selamat Hari Raya to all my Malay frens... Esp Fitri.. my movie treat is on u lei.. im still waiting *roll eyes*.... pls try ur very best to get more GREEN PAO ok... hahaha....
As u all know im living in the so called, Malay Village...every yr my neighbours would bring over nice food stuffs, realli wanna thank them man. Had so much Lontong, rendang, kuehs and stuffs this morning as breakfast..yummy...
Went out with Ms Chel today.. first destination was to Bishan... Go all the way there for hair cut.. somemore its fringe onli.. coz Meron is my fav stylist ma...
Who knows when we reached there its FULLLLLLLLLYYYY PACKED wakao.. waited 1hr 15min and 80% of them asked for Meron too... walao... but bo bian have to wait lor.. power rite.. finally my turn liao.. then she keep apologising to mi.. i just simply love her to bits.. no matter how many salons i went i still find she cuts the best hehehehe... on par with Kimage lor..hehe...
After waiting for so long...we both feel so hungry.. so went food court and had our late lunch..and who knows its already 4plus le.. wahhhhhhh..then we faster take bus down to Marina Square...
MS Chel got company's event this SUN and she's in the bowling team so she wanted to practice... so being a nice fren.. i acc her lor... though i sucks at it too... hahaha its so fun lor... and after some clearing the lokang... we finally got the kick... and got so addicted to it.. supposingly two games we added another two games....hehehe.. my hand now is aching man... so suan lor...hehe..
Went Hagen Daz and had my one scoop of ice cream by Ms Chel for being a nice ger today hahahaha.. i cravvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvved so much for Choc and ice cream recently.. i tell if u appear in front of me with these two items.. i will marry u la..
not for gers haha...ended the day with a short walk at the ESPLANADE... nice atmosphere, nice music... WRONG PERSON!!!!!! lolz...
Hao le...laoniang ai koon le.. remember ok to call mi to marry you hor ... ya u u u uu uuuuuu dun run lei...
Monday, October 23, 2006'♥
我很想爱他by Twins...
Recently got to hear this song and im so in love with it..that i sang three times at the recent ktv session with Ms Chel....hehehe..bu hao yi si...
Decided to unlock my blog... so those
kaypohs "overly concerned ppl" out there.... who always trying to unbreak the code.. HERE U GO.... read ba... read all u want.. coz im changing my blog soon... by the end of the mth... will only give out the add to those whom im close with... -__-
First day of sch..everyone is so excited.. chatting more than hearing the lecture.. this term gonna be a busy term taking up six modules... cooooollll...nice to see back my poly frens... and nice to know that three out of the four of us will be taking up psychology together and not to mention Ms Selyn too.. yeah will be sitting together i guess in the lect this wed ba.. lolz..
Sch ended at 11 today.. and off i go to Raffles to submit my time sheet and then to mit Ms Lena for some shopping at Bugis... at first only her wanted to buy the jeans.. and in the end i saw the cropped jacket and i also kanna tempted to buy...nice nice ok.. bought some earrings, foundation and stuff.. and im totally BANKRUPT now.. hahaha

Me and my new ROSE ring.. hehehe.. zi lian la...
I think we have combed thru the whole of Bugis ba.. then we saw her brother we three shopped together at the same time helping him to find the sandals he wanted.. but too bad in the end didn't found it hehe..
Both of them went hm after tat.. then I go to Lavendar to mit a forum member to collect my taiwan happy man..finally the items reached le.. and the member is so friendly lor.. tks wink..:)
that's the mascara from Taiwan.. its very popular among Tw artist and Japan lor.. mai siao siao.. and see beside that cute cute pig?? its a massagger suppose to slim down the BUTTERFLY FLABBY ARMS... found it cute so i decided to give it a try.. will give reviews after tat ba.. lolz.. and best of all both items cost mi less than twenty five bucks.. power rite...
orite enough talking le.. will upload some of the pics of the recent events..
Marvin and BC...

Me and the rest... Me and BC machiam bringing the KIDS out man.. haha all so young...

Entrance of P.Ubin

Yummy Thai Coconut... i tell u i spent 15mins to eat finish that.. can imagine how much FLESH yummyyyy....

The village houses... simple life lei.. i like...
Our Reception area.. the place where we sat hehe...

Me , dong dong and Selyn

My organiser tag... haiz.. realli missed the company.. missed the times there..
Lorraine's Bd 
Jas and her daughter Lorraine... so pretty rite both of them...

Me and my darling Charlotte... she know how to walk le.. so cute lei...

Me and jas...

Ying ying and her Jayden and me... cute boy rite....
Sock Fang's Wedding
THE lovely Couples...

THE lovely Ah Yis......

Me and the bride

Evss gathering.... hahahaha...

THe wedding dinner...

Our Table
Orite enough of uploading.. im dozing off soon man... tmr gonna be a day out again with Ms Chel... we will be going for a haircut and bowling.. this woman is so enthu abt bowling nowadays..hehe
Oh ya.. I craved for B&J so much man.. tat day Bc bought me a small cup which is TOTALLY NOT ENOUGH hao bu hao... and not to mention FAMOUS AMOS and CUP CORN... darn it... y is it all heaty stuffs?? i tot i just recovered from the nasty flu? hehehe i DUN FREAKING CARE!!!!! i just want my ice-cream and cookie *roll on the floor* hehehehe
Orite in case i wont have time to blog.. Happy ADVANCED HARI RAYA PUASA to all my dear malay frens... take more GREEN PAO ok.... hhhhheheehehehehehe
Short note: the over concerned seems too MOTIVATED.....
Sunday, October 22, 2006'♥
Tired, busy, lazy is what im feeling now... been soooo soooo sooo lazy to come here and type even for the past two days i was basically rotting at home... Was busy spreeing nowadays, also i bought myself two new books to read.. so nowadays if u seldom see mi on msn u know y...
Anyway i went out for some outdoor fun today.. that it sort of motivates mi to blog it out...
It's my first virgin trip to Pulau Ubin.....
I was so reluctant to go actually, (mainly because i only reached home at 5am the previous nite before due to a super powerful Ktv session, sang from 10-4am) and the best part is im the only female who is going there lor.. But didn't want to spoil BC's enthuiasm i dragged my feet there... total count five guys one ger...
Being known famous of dunno how to cycle and roller blade... i wonder wad am i going to do there in this ulu island... Luckily i was not the only one.. who dunno how to cycle and roller blade.. MARVIN was the SAME too!~~~ haha quite a surprised for a guy though.. so both of us TOUR the whole island or i shld say parts of the island... we are like HIKING... ppl must be wondering wad is these two ppl doing... coz 95% of the ppl there cycled... sobs sobs...
Weather there was slightly better, with NOT MUCH HAZE and its cooling... Too bad Marvin had to leave earlier.. so here i am MS SEE sitting down by one of the coffeeshop... drinking my ever sweet delicious THAI coconut, reading my book.. the kind of feeling is great man... i waited one hr there alone in a ulu island for them ok!!!...The villagers were veri kind and friendly..chatted with some of them though... and i must tell u their seafood is veri fresh also..i just loved the OR LUA there lor...
Bc called mi and said Melvin was the outing was ended earlier.. I just love the Bum Boat Ride... its soothing and so near to the sea.. reminds mi of the times when i went back to the hometown Pulau Sambu of my mum when i was little....
We went Changi village for lunch...and then me and Bc went to the Changi Beach for a stroll.. This guy still have a little children in him.. he was so enthu catching little crabs, fishes...that the Bangla have to stop by and watch wad is he doing... faintz...
Overall I just loved the outing today.. didn't regretted at all... i just love the outdoor esp with the sea... so next time whoever wants go P. Ubin pls jio mi ok.... but best is find one person to accompany me la...hehehe...
Ya ya my cam is overly exhausted now pics will be up next post i hoped...hehehe my cam nowadays is super hardworking.. been using it almost every single day.....
Gonna start sch again tmr... will be taking Psychology together with Selyn this term..whooohooo im so happy i got it man... ya my time table is good and i loved it to bits... basically mon and tue i studied until 1pm onli wohooooo and this friday i dun need to go SCHOOOL at all COOOL man...
Will be going out with Chel for Bowling this Tue again.. just had a crazy nite out on Sat ktv session.. which kinda of satisfy all my craves of singing for the past few months.. and did i mention i went ktv last Wed too with Selyn... oh no... im going crazy abt ktv i tell u... hahaha...
And ya if nothing happens will be meeting Ms Lena for shopping spree to Bugis tmr after my sch too.... If u guys haven noticed or have a fetish for belts, necklace and stuffs pls visit her blog to take a look.. the stuffs there are realli nice.. and im sure Sweet Ms Lena will cater to ur needs...
Pls duo duo zhi chi her ok...
Seriously for those whom i owed u all photos.. sorry la i try to online more ok... hehehe.. bu hao yi si....
Short note: It comes with a motive i guessed
Thursday, October 12, 2006'♥
Busy Busy Busy.....
It's gonna be a busy weekend for mi once again... Been so busy preparing stuffs for Fang's wedding this Sat...
Went for manicure,pluck eyebrow, buy blouse, thinking of games to sabo the groom.. these and that.. and not to forget, packing my clothes as i will not be home for two days...will be staying over at Fang's place on Fri nite after cg... so i have to rush here and that...
Seemed like mi and Selyn we are more gan chiong that the bride lor..ya we wil also be doing makeup and hair by a stylist... i am sooooo soooo sooo going to perm my hair.. woohoooo..
After the wedding, if everyting goes on smoothly..*if he didn't come and fetch me* i will be going to Shi hui's house for a night of mahjong with the usual khaki....BUT>>>>>>>>>>
Sun morning i will have to go church..and after church.. will have to attend Jasmine's daughter third birthday at her hourse.. OH MAN!!!! Only got the invitation yest... I wonder will i have the time to rest anot..dun wanna look like a zombie when im there... esp when THE SHE is there..
And starting from next week i will be more and more busy le... event is on WED will be going down hotel on tue to help out.. and wed is THE BIG DAY le... been so busy helping out with brochure.. the lanyard, name tag and stuffs...I tink im gonna SLEEP THE WHOLE DAY ON THUR man....
Though it's packed with activities.. but i do enjoy the companionship of my dear fren.. esp MS SELYN.. must SAY OUT LOUD...I LOVE YOU hehe...
She went to Raffles to mit this auction seller on my behalf coz my working hours clashed with the seller... she went there alone ok and help mi pay for my blouse first.. coz i need it for this sat morning...well done well done.. i realli owe her a treat...heheehe...
O well.. before i forget im super pissed off with an incident yest... SOMEONE STOLE MY HP...the SAMSUNG one which i chucked it inside my computer drawer... i didn't even realised it until ... THE CULPRIT's DAD asked mi abt it.. damn pissed man.. she is getting from bad to worst.. im soo sooo going to lecture her, count herself lucky i won't be home these few days.... all the best to her ba.. gan gan stole lao niang phone... actually im more of disappointed with her actions than being angry.. disappointed with her totally le...
Sorry for not uploading all those expired photos.. promised to upload every single bit in the wedding post.. stay tunned k.. dun forsake my blog hor.. esp u u u u uuu who is reading now hehehe.. hao ba tired le..tmr gonna be a long day... nitez...
Short Note: the proabability is less than 10%
Saturday, October 07, 2006'♥
A Tired Spirit.....
It's a hectic week for mi..been rushing from here to there.. I'm kinda of tired and weary...but nevertheless im happy...happy with meeting up and catching up with all my frens...
There are so much photos i wanted to upload..but im lazy and tired rite now..pls stay tunned for Mrs Tea's adventure ...
Anyway wanna wish Ms Fishball TAN...LENA TAN HAPPY 23RD wad i said in the MMS...May u find a rich hubby and be a tai tai soon....
Orite.. my eyes are not listening to my dozing off any minute...and before i do so......
Short Note: He still remember abt THAT SPECIAL DAY......*EVIL Laughs*
Monday, October 02, 2006'♥
Our Batam Trip Part 1
Going to upload the trip in parts...
Reason? I'm damn too tired to upload all the pics all at once....
Well last Sun was the first time in my whole life that i brought frens back to batam..which is half of my hometown and also it's my first time being half the guide....hahaa.. did enjoyed myself yest..the feeling of going back with frens is different...
WE meet 8am at Harbourfront MRT coz i know sure got ppl will late de.. in the end guess who is late?? ME ME ME hahahaaha... bu hao yi si la... onli a few mins.. let u all mingle first ma...
SO here we go to collect the tix.. everything went on smoothly with no first i was so worried...coz MS DAI SAI aka Cindy See was with mi...but thank GOD nothing goes wrong...went for breakfast at the food court, went to buy cigarettes for my beloved cousin coz Indonesia dun haf TEXAS ...FAINTZ... shop shop around at WATSON..before we went to board the ship
Time for pics...

Inside the ferry.. the SEE family members starting to get ZI LIAN le....

Introducing the EX-smokers, Ms Cindy See and MS Shirley See... we are the ambassdors u know...

Our lunch at BSC mall.. a treat from MR KENNY, our beloved tour guide, cum driver cum translator...bao ga liao hahahaha...

The four chiobusssssss...hahahah

Us again...sianzzzzz

See until sian hor.. keep seeing Ms Tupperware..coz she keep sticking to mi lor haiz....
Anyway tats the end of Pt 1...too tired le..Stay tunned for more pics ok...
just got home from dinner with my beloved Ms Selyn Yap...we went Sakura for dinner after some hiccups during meeting up just now..haha by the time we reached there we are two hungry monsters muahahaha... more pics up sooon i promise.. damn full now man.... nice miting up and nice catching up with each others lives.. i guessed we can continue on Next Sat...Baby Bear's wedding muahahhaha...
Oh ya this week gonna be a busy week... tmr miting my beloved baby charlotte..her mummy better dun pangseh me again.. if not its the thrid time liao i swear im going to kick her hahaha....
Friday is Mid-autumn cg.. gonna be in-charge of the games and BC sponsoring D24 mooncakes from GOODWOOD PARK HOTEL man...yummy....Dong dong was asking mi..since u all like durian so much y don't u all take the money and go buy durian eat better?? hmmmmm it's damn true lor haahahaha...
Ssoooooososososoosos tired le..hao ba gotta sleep le........muacks to all my readers....
Short note: orang utan is bored during his MC days...that he went to funeral to collect catering name cards....muahahhahaa