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Friday, March 25, 2005'♥

I walk a lonely road
The only one I that have ever known
Don't know were it goes
But its home to me and I walk alone

I walk this empty street
On the Boulevard of broken dreams
Where the city sleeps
And I'm the only one and I walk alone

I walk alone
I walk alone
I walk alone
I walk a...

My shadows the only one that walks beside me
My shallow hearts the only thing that's beating
Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me
Till then I walk alone

Ah-Ah Ah-Ah Ah-Ah Ahhh
Ah Ah-Ah Ah-Ah Ah-Ah

I'm walking down the line
That divides me somewhere in my mind
On the border line of the edge
And were I walk alone

Read between the lines of what's
Fucked up and every things all right
Check my vital signs to know I'm still alive
And I walk alone

this depicts my feelings...no no im not depresed...im just feeling lost without him..but today he explained everything to mi..and even its just a simple explanation..im realli veri happy...i missed him..and he nv fails to makes mi laugh..

Sometimes living a simple life can be a blessing too..but tell mi which guy is willing to do so?? They liked to know more gers...they wanted more freedom...they are so practical...not one not even him can do so..

I just hope to live simple from now on...dun wish to burden myself...............

With Love, 12:54 AM

Thursday, March 24, 2005'♥

In life there are always thing that happen unexepctedly...things may seems smooth on the surface...but deep inside its not going rite...Same goes with human..The person may seem happy...postitive..but deep inside he is leading a double life....

Leading a double life is not easy as it seems to be..needs a lot of courage to hide their own feelings....actually its veri tiring..u feel like ripping off the mask from yourself..and show ppl ur true self...but the true self is ugly...with a lot of hurts, lies, selfishness, immoral actions...not everyone can accept each other's flaws...and u need a big capacity to do so..

A person's past can be bad and good..sometimes it all depends on ur situation..the ppl u make do make a big difference in ur past...and whether to move on to the future..depends on the circumstances...memories is something that wont be earsed..it is something that will be stagnant in ur brain...

Right now i dun need anything i just need a bottle of wine or liquour..to wash away my temporary memories.....drinking anyone??

With Love, 5:00 PM

Wednesday, March 23, 2005'♥

Just woke up from my nap...wooo so shiok man..slept like a pig for 3 hrs..now im so energetic... had a tiring morning...i woke up at 7am lor........

Met shao mei at 8am today we went to the gym coz the stadium is being booked by a primary sch..tot will have no ppl in the gym..well in the end we r wrong.. it was so full with aunties man..cant believe it..nowadays auntie oso so on ah? did the cycling machines for 20 mins..and i was sweating like hell lor..and after that did the treading mill...woo so shoiok man..but seriously i still prefer running lor..The aunties there veri friendly wor..and the staff oso..we bathed in the gym then went to Raffles...

My mum lor..ask mi to sell the CPF shares for her at DBS..initially tot its the tampines branch..but in the end is The Shenton Way one lor..zzzz...so many ppl there..and in the end guess wad..i cant sell for her..coz im not 21 yrs old yet..damn it..i was so angry..waste my time..lucky in the end i ask a friendly auntie she helped mi lor..alot of ppl usually wont do it de...kia si ma..hahaha..realli wannna thank the auntie..

Wanna congratulate my fren's sis..ya she's pregnant..how come like tat ah..suddenly so many ppl so heng...hope she will be a good mama wor...jia you...Sunday is weisi and chelsia bd..damn it still not free to go buy their present hahah...die liao...

yst one of my ex called my house..i was like damn surprised..at first when he tell mi his chinese name i cant remember lor..in the end he say he is martian lor..interesting name rite? muahahah.. 4 yrs no contact at all man..knew him since i was 15 yrs old.. haiz..suddenly feel veri old... -_-|||... that day just tot of him...coz Miss congenality 2 came out..Miss congenality was the last movie we watched together...those sweet times..hahaha.. ya realli glad that at least he wrote down my house number..we both changed hp number..so this is kinda of conincidence when he told mi that he was packin his stuff..then suddenly saw my number...anyway we had a nice chat..and dun tink so much..he's attached now..so hahah nothing will happen de wor....

Fabian Teo yst sleep like a pig....

With Love, 6:16 PM

Tuesday, March 22, 2005'♥

Can u guys imagine i just came back from malaysia?? LOL accompany kelvin go malaysia just now to fill up his stupid petrol..initially wanted to sleep liao..then he called mi...wa piang no choice..owe him so much ren qing..then i go lor... Had our dinner there..duhz...chicken rice with no chicken..i mean..veri little of chicken...i cant almost see it...

Fabian Teo is forgiven..coz he yst nite after supper got call mi...but talk nonsense to mi after a while..coz i tink he too tired le...then starting to say something stupid..want to bring mi back to Penang...muahahahahahahaha..i almost roll on the floor...

Stupid bullshit..after that time i nv talk to him le..then these few days called mi..and just now i was not in singapore so he msg mi..i nv receive..then he say i tao..duhz..say back wad he used to say mi..i dun care lor..i was pissed off by him..wadever..i had enough..lol

With Love, 8:11 PM


Can u guys imagine i just came back from malaysia?? LOL accompany kelvin go malaysia just now to fill up his stupid petrol..initially wanted to sleep liao..then he called mi...wa piang no choice..owe him so much ren qing..then i go lor... Had our dinner there..duhz...chicken rice with no chicken..i mean..veri little of chicken...i cant almost see it...

Fabian Teo is forgiven..coz he yst nite after supper got call mi...but talk nonsense to mi after a while..coz i tink he too tired le...then starting to say something stupid..want to bring mi back to Penang...muahahahahahahaha..i almost roll on the floor...

Stupid bullshit..after that time i nv talk to him le..then these few days called mi..and just now i was not in singapore so he msg mi..i nv receive..then he say i tao..duhz..say back wad he used to say mi..i dun care lor..i was pissed off by him..wadever..i had enough..lol

With Love, 7:59 PM


Eric just left my house..he came to give mi the discipleship bible study...He asked mi to be the helper of the cg...hmmm more responisbilities...but i guess i will jia you de..hehe...

I went jogging with shao mei today..hehe..great day of exercising.. Ran a total of 3.2 km but not all together la..if not i will not be here le..i will be dead by now haha.. Ya it was fun jogging...the weather today was nice...ran with my Mp3 on..so shiok man..Then after that we went to the gym and work out.. did ard 200 times of the equipment that look like the power rider..wooo sooooo shiok man..after that we went to NTUC..to get some drinks...

Today need to study for my test liao..if not the next few days i will be veri busy le..anyway im going to run again tmr..anyone interested?? hehe

With Love, 4:13 PM

Monday, March 21, 2005'♥

WOOOOOO... Just finish watching my DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES..its getting so interesting that..i feel so eager for Monday to come every week...so happy that i make it home for the show..LOL

Met selyn xiao jie..and as usual i was late..Oh man!! Guess I need to kick this stupid habit of mine man.. SORRRY SOOOOOOOORRRRY>>> and the worst is...I DID NOT BRING MY HP OUT..damn it..hahahah... we went to City Hall... FIRST destination...OUR xiao Jie..got her bursary liao..(sobzzzz when is mine coming)...she went to buy an Addidas Pants..but throw face dunno how to open de door..muahahah..poor her...always buy things left last piece if not is out of stock le..muahahh..sometimes being Size S..oso not veri good..muahaha...

Then we went to Marina Square..sianz..still under renovation..then we went to look look see see...wow..there got alot of restaurant now wor..all veri ZEN style de.. not bad not bad..we promise to go there once i got my bursary, went upstairs to the food court..wooo first ting we saw is the dim sum..xiao jie suggest eating some..so we order some..woo..not bad la..then after that went to suntec..shop and shop...

bought myself some undies..oops..can i say it out here?? and a pair of track shoess...damn it..i left mine at the sch lockers...and tmr im going jogging with shao mei..wad am i suppose to wear..so no choice lor..haiz..waste money lei..

then we went home after that.. simple day..but it was fun... tks ger for accompanying mi...LOL...Gonna slp early tonite..tmr going jogging..OH man.@@@ dun worry u did not see wrongly... yes im going jogging..instead its mi who jio shao mei go de..muahaha.. dunno lei..just feel like going to exercise..in sch every week run..so this week holiday must run oso..hope that the weather will be good wor..

Angry with that Fabian TEO... hahaha FOOD Is more impt than mi de lei..everytime go eat so late... then nv talk to mi de...huai dan... later become so fat like mi muahahhahahaaha... then we both can flim LOVE ON A DIET LE..muahahaaha

With Love, 11:59 PM

Sunday, March 20, 2005'♥

Time now...2.45am...just got home... haha u guys must be tinking i went clubbing... haha acutally no lor.. Jian Xiang and Jerry sent mi home... They wanted to eat the roti prata of my hse downstairs...LOL.. i accompanied them to eat.. drink the teh tarik...then coz there so dirty so we decided to change place...then we went to 7-11 to buy drinks again..haha then we sit outside and chat and chat then chat until now..lol..

It was veri fun to talk to them...they r so funny..and i get to know them more...Jian Xiang character like mi..playful and curious..talk abt our smoking experience...Lol it was fun... then jerry tat gong gong got GOOD Upbringing....

Today went for two service....coz PST Sy Rogers came and preached..wow powerful man so funni and the preaching is good... but kinda of disappointed that he preach the same things..but it still GOOD>>>>

With Love, 3:49 AM

Friday, March 18, 2005'♥

18 March 2005... Been waiting for this day for abt 3 months...Finally!!!! its SCHOOL HOLIDAY...Yeah!!!! Although its onli for a week..but im gonna cherish every single day..

Booking starts now..U can call my secretary...(who is also mi) to book mi before its too late muahaha.. so far ive been booked on Monday..to go out wit my darling Selyn...Tuesday to mit Eric for disciplship..Wednesday nite..for Bibile Study..Friday.. To go out wit the 7 sisters..a pinic at Pasir Ris Park..Sat and Sun for Church's Easter Celebration...SO i onli left with a few slots...Better book now..before its too late muahaha..

Had a stress and hetic day today..Start my day with Word Processing CA test..Damn it..the room was bloody call..when ur nervous and the room is cold..ur fingers will be shivering and resulted that ur MOUSE cant move properly hahaha.. Its a mailmerge test..but with damn many functions man..and before we know it.. Teacher announce that we still have 10 mins left...Damn it!!! didnt i just start the test for awhile onli?? see its so much things to do man...that i didnt even realise the time...

She was standing behind mi announcing the time..damn it..my hands is shivering..im nervous....As she were announcing the time..I struggle to finish my test..

10 mins...i just finished typing the letter..working on the form part...
9 mins... I printed out my data source..onli to find tat my TOTAL was blank...
9 1/2 mins...I changed my TOTAL and printed it out...
7 mins... I do the section break for the letter and printed it out onli to realise..I DID NOT USE THE CORRECT BREAK>>>argggghhhh
6 mins... I printed out the main document..ONLI TO FIND OUT THAT I DID NOT SUPPRESS THE NUMBER>>>>arggggghhhh..she is driving mi mad..
5 mins...I printed out and found that i did not type in my name...come on..im numb to it liao...
4 mins..Finally printed out the Main document...after wasting so much paper..killing so much trees..
3 mins... I realise i saved at the wrong filename...Gilyn who is seated beside mi..was grumbling..moving here and there..complaining..Oh man...I Can't be DISTRACTED man..anyway im numb to it liao..TKS GER>>>HAHHAHAH
2 mins..Deleted the file and resaved it...oh man..KILL mi ba..I need a clear mind...
1 min...I type in the footer for the new file..merge all the letters and save..Phew..

CLASS STOPPED ALL UR WORK!!!! Its now then i realise..WP is so damn troublesome..arghhh dun tink i will score well..everyone was drained after this test man...In the end Gilyn also managed to finish it..but poor HK she did not print out her Main document which is most impt..haiz..wadever la..i just want to enjoy my holidays rite now..

SOP is the last two lesson today.. OH man.!! my diskette is corrupted..how bad can my day be?? Spent ard 30 mins to solve this stupid problem..in the end then found out that actually nt mi onli..just need to inform the teacher by writing a note..Damn it!!waste my time...Anyway in the end finished the job..so now dun need to have any worries..next period just sit there and surf net ba..muahahaha...

Just finished typing my WP homework.. my fingers were so tired man..types so much liao for the whole day..hahah.. Reward myself by buying my fav magazine CLEO to read..Rejected going out with a few ppl..coz i want to watch the last episode of the chinese show..YOU ARE THE ONE..LOL>>>

With Love, 6:50 PM

Thursday, March 17, 2005'♥

Congratulations to Da Jie, my cousin who got married last October, hehe She is Pregnant le wor!! so Happy for u man!!! And also to Ah San who got his second baby hehe.. tink i will get to see alot of BUBU soon...Da sao u must jia you...get Tiffany a sis or brother wor..

Haha realli happy to see that quite alot of ppl, frens are getting married, pregnant.. realli wish them all the best.. and at the same time i look at where i am..single? Yst was browising thru a forum and saw that alot of ppl are marrying this yr.. saw their gowns, makeup etc.. I suddenly feel like marrying man.. haha.. but then..who will know wad will happen in the future..things may seem happy or good..but good things doesnt last forever rite?? haha tink im still too young to discuss abt wedding ba, LOL

Had some disagreement in projects today..tmr is the presentation le..yet there is some changes...but anyway we got it all settle le..hope tmr presentation will be a sucess ba.. this is the last project for us le.. jie mei men..jia you ba.. no matter wad everything is gonna be over soon...

Suppose to go for BS today but i didnt went..coz we had too much things to do.. my presentation speech, my Customer service homework, need to read thru my WP notes..coz friday is the test.. Oh gosh..so many things came at a time.. I need a break, but anywya next week is my holiday le..yeah..hope it will come soon man..Stayed in sch to wait for xw.. coz we need to go tru the MCQs section..while waiting..chat with MRS HEng my section Head for veri long time..she is one teacher that i treated her as fren.. I shall not forget abt her.. someone who is keen to advise us...treat us like her frens..and of coz..once she started talkin..u need half an hour to stop her hahah...

These few days, I chatted wit him... When im down he is always there for mi...hear my grumbles, my complaints...advise mi, encourage mi..had it not be him.. i would have go crazy liao.. i wanna thank him, thank him for all the effort in cheering mi up.. i dun dare to hope for much..and i dun dare to like him..anyway mu status dun allow mi to now..I just want our relationship to stay like this... so happy, so carefree..."P

Ivan called mi just now..and i was shocked..One yr..after we broke off he called mi..chatted wit him.. at first i was abit awkward.. but after tat..its better..those times that i sacrificed so much things for him, i tolerate him...came to my mind.. he asked mi out for coffee...and i pray that its just so simple.. i had not gave him an answer yet.. coz i dunno if i shld... anyway i didnt chat much with him..after that GILYN called mi to discuss abt the project..thks for saving mi ger...lol..

Be happy with who u are..and what you have...

With Love, 12:00 AM

Tuesday, March 15, 2005'♥


This is a real life story happens in the eighties..

There was once this man who was married with two kids... they lived in a small town in Georgia.. Life was tough..but the wife is willing to suffer wit her husband.. The man won the lottery.. a big sum of money... he totally changed to another person.. He decided to leave this small town.. and went on to a Big town in Georgia without his family...

Life was good there.. he gamble, went to nightclubs to enjoy, had tonnes of women by his side... he deals with illegal business...day by day he got richer and richer.. until one day, he was caught by the police.. and thrown into jail for three years..

During the three years.. he tot abt his life, his mistakes and his family.. how he wished to be able to reconcile back with them..but he knows that its impossible, his wife would never forgive him... but he decided to try.

One month before his release, he wrote a letter to his wife..apologising for his wrongdoings..asking forgiveness from his wife..he hope to return back to the family..there was only one oak tree in the town..if his family forgive him, they would tie one yellow ribbon on the oak tree. Days passed by, there was no reply from his wife...

On the day of his release, he was veri nervous..as his board the bus, his heart was beating fast.. in his heart.he knew that he would not have much hope.. ppl in the bus knew abt his story.. so all of them helped him to look out for the tree... if his wife did not forgive him...he would continue to sit in the bus..and go over to the next town to start afresh. Finally it was reachin his town, He saw the familiar route near to the oak tree... It was nearer and nearer

The bus stopped, he look at the oak tree, he did not see a yellow ribbon... INSTEAD, he saw an OAK TREE tied up full with YELLOW RIBBONS.. his family was there to welcome him..and the ppl in the bus cheered for him... his wife love him tats y she is willing to humble herself and forgive him.. Loving a person means forgiving him if he realise his mistake.. giving him chance and make sure he cherish it....

In life.. there may be ppl who did wrong things to u.. but the greatest humility is not to ask for forgiveness... the greatest humility is to forgive the person who did wrong things to u..

With Love, 7:17 PM


Its been long since ive blogged... Things are not going rite for mi... esp during projects discussion... haiz.. lazy to talk abt it la.. just wanna say my patience has its limits lor.. left a few months more.. i dun wish to blow my top.. Ive been trying to tolerate all these.. and ive been controllin my emotions.. so pls, I say pls, dun ever provoke mi anymore.. Let our last project end well...

Today Andrew's grp have a big arguement regarding the project... with elise and the two twins.. Vulgarities, and nasty words were being exchanged...in the end three of them cried.. haiz.. this makes mi realise ppl of different character realli cant grp together.. coz they cant tink the same way... same goes with relationship...Character is the most impt in lookin for a partner...'

Finally hand in my PoLY application form.. in the end i chose.. Business/Logistics/Marketing in Temasek Poly.. haiz.. after so long in the end still choose TP.. no choice NP realli too far for us le.. realli damn sad man...anyway i hope mi and selyn do get in together.. at least got someone i know wit mi heeee..

Tink im having my PMS rite now.. dun feel like blogging anymore.. my headache is giving mi a problem... feeling damn tired and sleepy.. but still need to continue on my SOP assignments....great..

With Love, 7:00 PM

Sunday, March 13, 2005'♥

IM tired after these few days of intensive training my feet with high heels.. will update ard tmr ba.. yawns... dun be disappointed.. i know u miss mi...

With Love, 10:49 PM

Saturday, March 12, 2005'♥


Congrats to those.. who found their new love wor... Tmr is ah zhen's wedding.. all the best in ur wedding..


With Love, 12:36 AM

Thursday, March 10, 2005'♥


The author of this blog will not be blogging these few days... due to SERIOUS CONSTIPATION.. that spoils all her mood.. BLOGGING will start again..when she is able to do her business smoothly...

The management apologise for any inconvenience caused...even though she knows tat alot of ppl will be sad, disappointed, havin insomnia due to this... she just wanna sincerely apologise to u faithful readers out there...thank you for ur cooperation...


With Love, 10:38 PM


Not free for blog today.. im super busy.. Looking tru the website of different POLY.. Got the form to apply for POLY.. but.. haiz

With Love, 12:09 AM

Wednesday, March 09, 2005'♥

Tues came and went by so smoothly so fast..

Finally after so long got to play games during PE time le.. no running at all.. LOL.. played basketball..and its fun.. all the lesson in school was so slack.. within awhile sch finished.. LOL

We 7 sisters decided to go for a picnic at PASIR RIS PARK.. ya maybe this might be the last outing before our graduation.. so i hope tat everyone will be able to turn out.. so we signed a contract.. and those who breach the contract shall be fined 10 buckz for the next person bd... LOL.. we oredi planned who to bring wad food.. and for mi is fishball and potato salad.. yummy...we tot of renting a car, but the 7 of us in a car is a big problem.. so now i trying to look for a car renting company... yeah if got car..we will go dinner together and its less tiring yipeeeee....hope the outing can come true..

Andrew the class boot licker.. came and tell our fortune using poker cards.. I tot of him.. in the end the results is.. we both have feelings for each other but we nv be together.. haiz.. dunno its good or not..

Mit baobei for the movie THE HITCH.. yeah nice show man.. and its damn funni.. made mi realise alot of things.. we went dinner and guess wad.. when im trying to apply my foundation my sponge dropped into the rice.. lucky i nowadays nv eat much rice haha.. EMBARRESMENT incident NUMBER 2 we were walking along..when BAobei tell mi tat Jocelyn fren was inside one of the shop workin..and we were like eating potato chips when ur walkin..suddenly.. i tried to squeeze all the potato chips in my mouth.. haha i dunno y like dat.. tink im too excited le.. hhaah so throw face.. went to carrefour..and saw this water dispenser they provide for their customer.. fill it up with the paper cup..and too greedy until ti overflow.. its soooo damn funny if ur at the scence.. if u have watch hitch u would feel tat i looked like the Albert inside so clumsy de. hahaha

Ya had a great nite today.. but i had a great shock just now.. when i was walkking up the stairs got one malay woman wit the scarf sitttin on the staircase alone.. then she was wearing all black lor.. when i walked passed she didnt even bother to take a look at mi.. its sooooooo errie lor.. somemore she keep facing down..eeeeee.. hope tat its human anyway.. ]

SOme ppl.. got admirer le wor.. hey xiao han. go for him if u find tat he is alright for him.. coz if opportunity onli knocks once wor.. jia you u can do it de la...

When i was in the train just now.. I asked myself.. is he realli for mi tooo?? or am i tinkin too much?? he called mi today and i feel so blessed.. something happen at work.. and he was feeling down..but im glad tat after he talk to mi he went back to his usual crazy self.. its not tat i dun wan to ... u.. but i dun have the courage.. i dun dare to face the consequences

Counting three more days to my BEST fren wedding.. and i stil haven decided wad to wear...shit... I NEED MONEY NOW>...

With Love, 12:51 AM


Tues came and went by so smoothly so fast..

Finally after so long got to play games during PE time le.. no running at all.. LOL.. played basketball..and its fun.. all the lesson in school was so slack.. within awhile sch finished.. LOL

We 7 sisters decided to go for a picnic at PASIR RIS PARK.. ya maybe this might be the last outing before our graduation.. so i hope tat everyone will be able to turn out.. so we signed a contract.. and those who breach the contract shall be fined 10 buckz for the next person bd... LOL.. we oredi planned who to bring wad food.. and for mi is fishball and potato salad.. yummy...we tot of renting a car, but the 7 of us in a car is a big problem.. so now i trying to look for a car renting company... yeah if got car..we will go dinner together and its less tiring yipeeeee....hope the outing can come true..

Andrew the class boot licker.. came and tell our fortune using poker cards.. I tot of him.. in the end the results is.. we both have feelings for each other but we nv be together.. haiz.. dunno its good or not..

Mit baobei for the movie THE HITCH.. yeah nice show man.. and its damn funni.. made mi realise alot of things.. we went dinner and guess wad.. when im trying to apply my foundation my sponge dropped into the rice.. lucky i nowadays nv eat much rice haha.. EMBARRESMENT incident NUMBER 2 we were walking along..when BAobei tell mi tat Jocelyn fren was inside one of the shop workin..and we were like eating potato chips when ur walkin..suddenly.. i tried to squeeze all the potato chips in my mouth.. haha i dunno y like dat.. tink im too excited le.. hhaah so throw face.. went to carrefour..and saw this water dispenser they provide for their customer.. fill it up with the paper cup..and too greedy until ti overflow.. its soooo damn funny if ur at the scence.. if u have watch hitch u would feel tat i looked like the Albert inside so clumsy de. hahaha

Ya had a great nite today.. but i had a great shock just now.. when i was walkking up the stairs got one malay woman wit the scarf sitttin on the staircase alone.. then she was wearing all black lor.. when i walked passed she didnt even bother to take a look at mi.. its sooooooo errie lor.. somemore she keep facing down..eeeeee.. hope tat its human anyway.. ]

SOme ppl.. got admirer le wor.. hey xiao han. go for him if u find tat he is alright for him.. coz if opportunity onli knocks once wor.. jia you u can do it de la...

When i was in the train just now.. I asked myself.. is he realli for mi tooo?? or am i tinkin too much?? he called mi today and i feel so blessed.. something happen at work.. and he was feeling down..but im glad tat after he talk to mi he went back to his usual crazy self.. its not tat i dun wan to ... u.. but i dun have the courage.. i dun dare to face the consequences

Counting three more days to my BEST fren wedding.. and i stil haven decided wad to wear...shit... I NEED MONEY NOW>...

With Love, 12:51 AM

Monday, March 07, 2005'♥

MOnday.. Time passed.. Finally i survive thru today lol.. Piang here and there for the customer service kit today.. last day lei..then do last min work.. anyway it turns out like a kid work.. and we feel so inferior when our project were placed beside other groups.. well wadever its not a CORE Module anyway haha..

We went outside for lunch..and as usual after tat go J8 shop for our project stuffs.. shop shop ard... routine man..

Selyn mit mi to go sch in the morning and she told mi she saw somebody jump down from a few block away of her hse.. tot it was just a man commiting suicide.. but when we saw the news.. its 2 kids 1 women and 1 guy jump down.. wow power lei.. cannot believe tampines will have this kind of case...

anyway mi jie came my hse just now.. and we kinda of reconcile after tat cny incident..ya kinda of happy to see her.. hope we will not have any more disagreement in future le..

its a borin nite for mi today.. lucky got desperate housewife to accompany mi... bought CLEO..and im gonna read it now.. HOPE tmr will be a better day ba...

His face, expression, voice is still on my mind...

With Love, 11:26 PM

Sunday, March 06, 2005'♥

I was walking along Orchard.. saw a couple.. the guy was helping the ger to carry her small little handbag.. it realli veri small lor.. and the guy quite big sized.. cant the ger carry herself..somemore its not tat heavy man.. I symphatise those guy who were wit this kind of "Princess"... anything oso cant do themselves.. haiz..

My weekend passes so fast this week that i dun even have a time to catch a breath man.. Had some miscommunication wit Christine..but in the end lucky i manage to sort it out.. if it was mi in the past i sure quarrel wit her lor.. tink i realli old le haha.. we meet today so as to shop for clothes for her sister my best fren wedding this sat.. the n suddenly she msg mi in MSn..say her Big sister Ah Ling jie.. following us.. diaoz.. another princess.. we r all so scared of her.. coz she veri fierce de.. hahah.. since young we know her le.. and as usual i was late.. (ya I pray to God tat I will change this bad habbit soon) and they waited for mi.. I tot shit man.. she is going to scold mi le.. heng ah i go there she say its ok.. then we went for lunch.. guess where is it? It's at COCA Resturant.. at Taka.. shiok man.. she treated mi and shao mei.. LOL.. the steamboat realli different.. my first time there..

After lunch we went to shop at Mphosis, Armani, Ck, Guess.. and as u can see.. i wont be able to afford all these lor. so for the next three hours..we were basically accompanying her sister like bodayguard to shop.. dun even dare to touch man.. hahah.. Initially she say she dun wan to buy anything.. in the end.. she bought alot of bags lor.. keep sliding her american express... we were like.. duhz.. so shuang man.. and fyi..she nv take bus all these de hor.. she always take CAB de.. so hao ming rite.. She say wanted to go BUGIS..so we took a cab there.. and continue shopping.. finally ah zhu found a dress..coz she desperate liao anyhow take one le.. poor shao mei and i bought nothing.. my legs were aching like hell.. yst went clubbing.. today walk for 5 long hours.. power rite..

so in the end shao mei and I surrender.. we took a cab back to tampines mall.. wanted to get zhen present for her wedding.. shop and shop.. finally decided to buy perfume for her.. desperate liao.. saw the MAngo bag.. but must buy wit the perfume set then can have freee.. been wanting tat bag since tat day went shoppin wit koong.. so i asked the staff.. but no staff was there..

Look around and saw a guy smiling.. so i ask him where is the staff. he say no ppl handle tat counter le.. then he went and find one of the promoters.. i saw this gift set veri nice.. decided to buy tat.. but if i buy tat there will be no BAG.. no bag?? cannot i want the bag.. so i keep asking the guy to give mi.. chat alot lor.. he same age as mi oso.. then we seduce him and there.. haha in the end i GOT the BAG.. yeah... tat was nice of him.. k la next time when i have money then buy GUCCI perfume from u ba.. lol..A nice guy.. if u ppl want to buy perfume go find him at METRO tampines GUCCI COUNTER.. ya got to know one new fren just like tat.. LOL.. intersting experience today..

but the most happy thing is.. i GOT the BAG.. pink in colour.. nice nice.. hehe.. its so good to have the thing tat u wish for.. and it is now right in front of u.. the feelin is great man.. alright im damn tired got to go remove make up le.. see u guys tmr..same time same channel... lol

With Love, 10:59 PM


If Im able to choose wad sex can i be... Ill definitely choose to be a GUY... here are 10 reasons y:::

1. They dun need to wear makeup.. dun need to spend time removing makeup when they reach home

2. They just wear a t-shirt and their out.. we gers need to look into the mirror for dunno how many million times just as to choose the appropriate dress..

3. They dun need to have PMS.. they can jolly well club without worrying for the WATERFALL....

4. They can pee anyway.. be it be in a bottle or out there at the drain.. DAMN IT..

5. They can smoke and drink like nobody's business at home.. we gers cant..

6. They can have sex anytime they want.. dun need to woryy abt the pregnancy..

7. They can pretend dunno and dun need to do housework.. and we gers have to suffer

8. They dun need to spend money on PADS.. they can use the money and EAT!!!

9. They would not need to worry about going home alone..coz nobody will rape them.

10. They can be jerks, dump a ger for another.. Lie to them say they love them.. and we cant.. we can onli be BITCH..and we belong to the animal category..shit them..

LOL..funni rite.. how lucky are guys.. Just came back from COCOLATTE.. promist to update u guys on the new club.. wad i can say tat its realli realli veri "Happening".. Guys nowadays cant drink man.. One bottle of Chivas.. oredi want to die liao.. somemore so many ppl share.. tat was JOYCELYN frens frens.. one grp of guys.. drunk..and do stupid stunts.. trying to impress gers.. so many drunkards there.. somemore the dance floor is damn small.. music sux.. only thing nice is the liquour..they mixed it wit more liquour than the syrup.. unlike chinablack.. well..Decided to go off wit vickie and her bf.. coz i cant stand it le.. So joycelyn and mi went off.. onli left bao bei and siru.. they waiting for siru bf to fetch them.. poor us.. have to go wait for cab... saw AIDEN on the way to take cab.. poor him going in army 9 days left.. haha..

Reach home..ard 3 plus..online and saw IVAN my ex.. haiz.. everytime talk to him makes mi vomit blood.. say im in the wrong.. tink he learn a good skill of accusing ppl.. wadever it is we will not be TOGETHER anymore.. so dun dwell in the past pls..

ANyway im so damn hungry now.. coz i nv ate dinner.. i craved for a bowl of TOM YAM Soup.. yummy.. but think im going to eat it in dreamland le ba.. sianz.. miting shao mei and zhu to buy zhen's wedding present.. but then,, now 5am le.. dunno tmr can wake up ma. haha and i tink i will be too lazy hahaha.. see how ba.. paiseh wor..

I miss him.. but he dunno lor.. want to mit him.. but no courage.. haiz.... and im so happy when he say he wanted to mit mi just now.. but in the end i rejected it.. im scared.. im worried.. wad if ... wad if...

With Love, 4:29 AM

Friday, March 04, 2005'♥

MOOD swings came and hit on mi.. just before the clock strike 12... i dunno why since its mood swings guess there wont be any reasons ba??

Im tired after a day of walking.. Went out wit Koong today.. coz its so long since she went out.. and i need someone to accompany mi hehe.. went to take my medicine. the place is so packed wit ppl..the clinic assistant is so busy.. manage to get my med after 20 mins of waiting...

Took bus 54 and we went to Far east.. our mission today is to buy bag.. one of sch purposes.. and the other is go out de.. for clubbin oso.. went ard the whole building and finally manage to get a pink sling bag for 17 buckz.. ya love it.. then went to DFS to take a look at my DODO.. and found out tat the duck actually cost 27 buckx think i wont get it le.. so ex man.. then we went to TANGS.. look around..and found a white handbag tat i wanted.. bought it at 19.90 nia.. coz SALES ma.. so happy.. then we went over to Paragon to shop at MEtro..saw a pink bag.. and it tagged MANGO..tot it was a mango bag.. but it onli comes wit purchase wit the PERFUME which was 59 shit man.. love it so much.. but no money le. somemore tmr last day.. sian.. y so suay de everytime..

Met Seline at HEEREn.. then we walked over to Centerpoint for dinner.. Dinner was Ramen.. but i ate Bento.. ya nice and cheap.. then we went to JOHN LITTLE.. and i went to find my best fren.. who was pregnant.. ya.. her stomach is big le.. so ke lian tat she need to stand long hrs.. Next week is her wedding le.. time realli flies.. ya going out wit shao mei and her sister this sat to get her wedding present.. hope everything turns out well...

I know tat ur good to her.. u love her.. but does it cross ur mind tat everytime u mention abt her.. mention abt how good u treated her in the past.. it realli coz a cut in my heart?? Many times when u failed to get her attention.. Im always the one for u.. encouraging u.. but im feeling so lost in my heart... I dunno am i doing the right thing/// I wished to cry out.. cry out that I LOVE YOU.. but the situation doesnt allow mi to do so... and it never will....

With Love, 11:40 PM


Rainy day.. Wished I was at home instead of going to sch.. I promise myself.. I want to eat kFC by this WEEK.. I just got to have it man..FINGER LICKIN GOOD...

Purposly skip Oa one lesson.. so i want sch late.. When it was break time.. wanted to go out to eat de..but it suddenly rained.. there goes my SHOPPING LE..haiz.. so we decided to order KFC to sch...after so much tedious process of getting the sch address..we finally order le..yeah. time passed.. we were all waiting so eagerly.. GILYN ,MEI MEI and I went to the foyer.. so as to receive the orders..we were so kia su.. we stood and waited..then we sat down and wait.. Ambulance came..coz one of the ger was having an asthma attack... taxi came... cars came..but there was no sight of my KFC DELIVERY MAN>>>>

KOONG call my hp..and she told us to go back to the canteen le.. I was so happy..but nv did i realise.. The KFC DELIVERY MAN had an accident..he skidded along the road..coz the rain was big..haiz.no more delivery le..and i felt soorry for the man.. coz tat was his job.. sometimes life is so unpredictable huh??

In the end ate Macoroni for my lunch.. went for cg just now..ya ya began to love listening to BRO kelvin preaching..he was so funni..and he prayed for mi just now..and as usual tat.. I SHALL NOT NAMED WHO.. always irritate mi.. IM STILL TOLERATING.. one of these days i shall scold him rite in front of his name..and give him a kick in his butt..SHIT LOR>> SPOIL PPL MOOD DE LEI.. not onli i tink so.. tink its the whole ccg lor..

Intend to do my SOP Job ITINEARY.. but once i logged in .. my msn was flooding.. LAO CHEK was one of them.. LOL>. and now i just simply have to do in on the weekends le ma..

tmr will be going orchard wit koong.. want to shop shop..yeah i want to buy bag.. coz my bag.. haiz.. dun say le.. sad ah. lol...good nitezz

With Love, 12:03 AM

Thursday, March 03, 2005'♥

Its 12.55am when i was typing this entry.. just finish talkin to my crazy fren.. my Lao Chek.. Wa piang he realli make mi laugh until i mad haha.... tks lao chek for imparting so many skils to mi...

Finish sch at 3 plus.. Mathew Lim called mi and I was surprised..ask mi go PS mit him.. he so pathetic there alone.. so i, a good ger.. go and find him lor.. ya.. help him choose the course for his POLY.. Then Jerry came.. then tat complain queen IRENE came.. LOL.. it was so funi with them together.. Laugh and Laugh.. and its been time I had a good laugh.. lol..then we went to YMCA and have our BIBLE STUDY...

After the BS.. went to PS wit Chelsia this time.. went to eat AJISEN..wow damn hot lor.. the chilli is soo spicy..then went shop shop lor.. bought a long sleeve tee from GIORDANO.. haha tks to the recommendation from CHelsia.. haha something happen when i was payin up..but i shall not say.. coz chelsia is damn paiseh abt it hahaha.. then we went to Secret Recipe to eat dessert..Oh gosh.. i need to take my PILL from the clinic sooon if not i keep eating and eating recently.. LOL.. then went to Dorothy Perkins,,saw this dress its realli veri nice.. but duno when then go t the figure to wear man.. haiz.. i will jia you de..kampatei

Last stop was the neoprint machine.. this woman ah since she permed her hair wan to yaya take picture lor. keep pesterin mi lor.. sianz.. so took it.. 10 buckz gone like this..turned out not tat nice.. and she was complaining all the way from PS to Tampines lor.. haiz..poor ears... haha..but we had a fun time. Miss Fisherman Village long time no go le.. we agreed to go on 13 March.. yeah..going to drink beer wor.. so long no drink le..

Going to a new club this sat wit my baobei and regular khakis.. going to COCOLATTE this time.. my lao chek say he wanna go too.. but i scare he go and spoil our mood hahahha.. see how ba..ya lookin forward,, hope it will be fun wor..

Dun feel like going OA tmr..see how ba.. if i not tired then give her face ba..Sleep tight SHirley

With Love, 12:53 AM

Tuesday, March 01, 2005'♥

Ask mi abt the greatest invention on earth.. I would say its the Internet... without it I wont be able to type rite now.. wonder how did MR so and so( the one who invented the internet) got this idea?? but come to think of it if not for MR who and who.. pardon mi for poor in general knowledge... if he nv invented the electricity would there be the internet?? Oh well tks to all those inventors you've done a great job..

Oh enough of my crap... im in good mood today.. Ya i did forget to tell u guys abt the dinner my dad treated us.. We went to my house downstairs coffeeshop and ate black pepper crab... sambal kangkong... salad prawn.. and a chicken which i dunno the name..ya it was great.. guess u guys are drooling now.. and yes i did as a filial daughter bought my dad a cake.. although he onli ate one piece and the rest were attacked by mi and my mum.. but he was happy.. and i loved to see that smile.. becoz of that smile i promise to do more things tat make him happy..

Finally finish my Oa test today.. ya sch was nothing.. but i like Tuesday..coz time passed veri fast.. Weighted myself today durin Pe.. and I find tat i lost 4kgs le.. yeah.. one mth le.. now waiting to go get medicine for this mth.. but.. sch finish so late.. onli have to wait until friday le.. hehe..

"Your're my little princess"..tats wad he tell mi.. he make mi laugh.. he was my listening ear.. without him i feel so lost.. i waited and waited for him every nite..slowly...slowly.. my feelings to him was not tat simple frens anymore.. but i cant have him....we wil nv ever be together...

With Love, 7:49 PM

Lover ♥

name Kerin
age Forever 21


Darling Reads


(Some Other Reads)....

Confession of a Human Being
Qiu Qiu